
RMG 083: L.A. Confidential (1997)

August 23, 2017

In this episode, the Retro Movie Geek crew is geeking out over L.A. Confidential (1997) and

  • 1950s Los Angeles
  • great storytelling
  • corruption
  • and much, much more!


1950’s Los Angeles is the seedy backdrop for this intricate noir-ish tale of police corruption and Hollywood sleaze. Three very different cops are all after the truth, each in their own style… Ed Exley, the golden boy of the police force, willing to do almost anything to get ahead, except sell out… Bud White, ready to break the rules to seek justice, but barely able to keep his raging violence under control… and Jack Vincennes, always looking for celebrity and a quick buck, until his conscience drives him to join Exley and White down the one-way path to find the truth behind the dark world of L.A. crime.  


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Leave us your voicemail feedback at (484) 577-3876.

Check out Darrell’s other cool podcasts here.

Check out Peter’s Retro Reviews over at ForgottenFlix.com here.

Check out The Forgotten Flix Podcast here.

Special thanks to Kevin Spencer for the fantastic show logo!

Special thanks to Hayden for the use of his fantastic music for our opening theme this episode! You can check out more from this amazing artist here!

Special thanks to Retro Promenade for the use of music from the album Carpenter. Music use permitted under a Creative Commons license. CLICK HERE and get a copy of the album and support these fantastic artists!

Retro Movie Geek © 2015