
Coming Soon to Forgotten Flix: Gremlins (1984)

December 5, 2011
Gremlins (1984) Poster

Gremlins (1984) Poster

by Joel G. Robertson

It’s time for your weekly sneak peek at what’s coming up soon on The Forgotten Flix Podcast. Our next movie is:

Gremlins (1984)!

Synopsis (courtesy of Wikipedia): Gremlins is a 1984 American horror comedy film directed by Joe Dante, released by Warner Bros. The film is about a young man who receives a strange creature—called a Mogwai—as a pet, which then spawns other creatures who transform into small, destructive, evil monsters.

Please call in your voice mail feedback by 12/12, so your thoughts will be more timely and topical– you know, like the movies we cover.

The voice mail feedback number is 206.203.0491. So, let us know what you think of the movie, and we’ll be sure to play your feedback during the show.

So, what are y0u waiting for?!?

Give us a call us at 206.203.0491 and leave your thoughts. Good. Bad. Downright creepy (JFFL, anyone?). It doesn’t matter, because we play ’em all!

Special thanks to Kevin Bachelder of the Tuning Into Sci-Fi TV Podcast who suggested we send out a brief, weekly update about the next movie we’re covering.

Gremlins (1984) Trailer



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