Take a stroll down the Armchair Theatre video store’s center aisle. You know the one. It’s where you went when mom or dad or whoever lugged you to the strip mall on a Saturday afternoon turned their back. These are the titles you wanted to see, but never did. Or maybe you did and forgot all about them.
Regardless, that center aisle is now memory lane, so travel back with us as we pluck a title from the shelf and ask, do you remember…?
Title: No Escape
Synopsis: After killing his commanding officer, John Robbins (Liotta) is sentenced to Absolom, a prison island where all of the inhabitants are convicted felons. For many on the island, it’s a game of survival of the fittest, but some, known as the “Insiders,” have created a more civilized society. However, it’s not long before Robbins and the Insiders must stand up against a band of brutal barbarians known as the “Outsiders” and their sociopathic leader, Marek (Wilson).
Film Stats:
Release Date: April 29, 1994
Director: Martin Campbell
Starring: Ray Liotta, Lance Henriksen, Ernie Hudson, Kevin Dillon, and Stuart Wilson
Genre: Action/Sci-fi
Running Time: 118 minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Where you can find it: Currently available on Netflix Instant Play!