
Ep. 022 – TFFP: National Lampoon’s Vacation (1983)

June 29, 2011

Mall Twin Ad - National Lampoon's VacationIn this episode of The Forgotten Flix Podcast, we’re on vacation with Clark W. Griswold and his disfunctional clan in National Lampoon’s Vacation! That’s right, this week it’s all about the comedy classic starring Chevy Chase, Beverly DeAngelo, Anthony Michael Hall, and Randy Quaid! Don’t forget it was written by the legendary John Hughes (based on a personal essay he wrote for National Lampoon Magazine called “Vacation ’58”– you can check it out here) and directed by Ghostbusters-alum Harold Ramis!

And as always we have our movie recommendations in the form of 6 Flix Picks: When road trips go horribly wrong!

So, check it out and let us know what you think! You can send your feedback to feedback@forgottenflix.com or leave a voice mail message at 206.203.0491. And be sure to leave us a review on iTunes! Click here to visit our iTunes page.

Check us out next week ’cause we’re having One Crazy Summer (1986)!

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