Movie Trivia Challenge – Movie Poster Puzzler #2

February 21, 2011

Joel here… Just wanted to give a much-deserved shout out to Peter Nielsen (follow him on Twitter @Peter_Nielsen). Peter contributed three of the six puzzlers below and is contributing even more for upcoming games. Thanks Peter!

Here are the answers to last week’s Movie Poster Puzzler #1 (all links lead to IMP Awards, a great movie poster database):

Poster 1: After Hours

Poster 2: The Rocketeer

Poster 3: Battle Beyond the Stars

Poster 4: The Cutting Edge

Poster 5: Chopping Mall

Poster 6: Armed Response


The Rules

1. Identify each movie from the poster fragments below.

2. Type your answers into the form below, making sure you match the movie title with the corresponding number in the form. For example, if you think the poster puzzle piece labeled “1.” is E.T. (it’s not!), then you’d type E.T. into the text field marked “Poster 1:“.

3. Submit your answers to me and if you get at least one correct, I’ll put your name into the prize drawing that will take place on March 31, 2011.

4. All answers must be submitted by Sunday (2/27), giving you a week to play!

5. I’ll post the answers to this poster puzzler with next week’s quiz on Monday (2/28).

6. Have fun!

Poster Puzzler for week of 02212011

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