
Insanely Difficult Movie Trivia Challenge for 11/16

November 16, 2010

Here’s the second Insanely Difficult, Damn-Near-Impossible Movie Trivia Challenge for November 16th. But first…

… since I never posted the answers for last week’s quiz, I’m going to get those out of the way:

M = Attack of the Killer Tomatoes; O = Halloween; V = Convoy; I = The Wiz; E = Up In Smoke

From here on out, I’ll give you the quiz answers in Friday’s post. So, be sure to check back then!

Remember, if you want to post your guesses in the comments section and help each other out, you are more than welcome to do so. However, only those who submit all the correct answers to me via email before Thursday (11/18) at 8 PM will be entered into the prize drawing taking place on 11/30.

You can play every week. And every time you win, you’ll get your name entered into the drawing. I’ll only be drawing one name, so you’ll want to get your name in there as many times as possible to increase your chances of winning! And speaking of the prize drawing, I’m creating more of a “prize pack” consisting of at least two or three movie-related items. I’ll announce exactly what the prizes are on the day of the drawing (11/30).

This week’s trivia word, Marion, is courtesy of Mr. Dale Lloyd over at DaleLloyd.com (@VivaVHS on Twitter). For extra credit, can you guess why he chose the word “Marion,” (and its significance to cinema history)? Did I just say extra credit? Yep, like the credit of knowing you’re a freakin’ awesome, walking, talking encyclopedia of trivia!

Finally, here’s a reminder of the rules:

  1. I post a new movie trivia challenge word every Tuesday.
  2. The word is spelled out using letters from the VHS box art of several different movies.
  3. You study the letters and see if you can identify each movie based on the letter representing it.
  4. Once you think you know all the answers, email them to me (joel@forgottenflix.com) by 8 PM on Thursday (11/18).
  5. Everyone who emails me all the correct answers by the deadline gets entered into a drawing for a prize. The drawing will take place on 11/30!
  6. I’ll announce the quiz answers in Friday’s post and post the names of everyone who got them all correct. If you’re first, you’ll be this week’s Trivia (Beast)Master!

And remember, a flick is only forgotten if you’re not talking about it!

Good luck!

Movie Trivia Word: MARION

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