
Forgotten Flix Podcast: Ep. 012 – Throw Momma From the Train (1987)

April 20, 2011

In this episode of The Forgotten Flix Podcast, Joel and Jason discuss 1987’s Throw Momma From the Train starring Billy Crystal, Danny Devito, and the sublime Anne Ramsey!

Voice Feedback Number

First, they get into feedback from Twauna, who makes some interesting points about horror films and Superman. Next, they talk Throw Momma From the Train and try to determine how many ways we can use (and abuse) sound bites from the late, great Anne Ramsey as Momma!

Then they get into the “6 Movie Pix” (formerly “6 Must See Movies…”). This week’s theme: Movies set on trains. This theme was inspired more by the title of Throw Momma From the Train than the movie itself, considering there’s only one scene that takes place on an actual train (well, two if you count that kinda creepy “making-out-on-a-kiddie-train” scene).

So, check it out and let us know what you think! You can send your feedback to feedback (at) forgottenflix dot com or leave a voice mail message at the number located beneath the VHS tapes.

Tune in next time when we talk about the Superman franchise with resident Superman expert Darrell.  It’s time for some serious Kryptonite discussion.

Forgotten Flix 6 Movie Pix

Terror Train (1980)

Horror Express (1972)

Narrow Margin (1990)

Silver Streak (1976)

Night Train to Kathmandu (1988)

Runaway Train (1985)

Throw Momma From the Train Trailer

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