
Ep. 013 – The Forgotten Flix Podcast: Mindwarp (1992) Starring Bruce Campbell!

April 27, 2011

MindwarpIn this episode of The Forgotten Flix Podcast,  Joel and Jason discuss Fangoria Film’s DTV (Direct-to-Video) feature film from 1992, Mindwarp!

It may star Bruce Campbell, Angus Scrimm, and have special effects courtesy of FX masters KNB, but that doesn’t mean the Forgotten Flix crew’s gonna give it a free pass. Well, okay, it does have a sound design packed with some of the wettest, squishiest, and just down right gross sound effects we’ve heard in a long time.

And any movie with a character gushing a fountain of bloody vomit and slugs can’t be all bad… or can it?

So, check it out and let them know what you think! You can send your feedback to feedback (at) forgottenflix dot com or leave a voice mail message at the number located beneath the VHS tapes.  Voice Feedback Number

Our 6 Movie Pix

6. Solarbabies (1986)

5. Cherry 2000 (1987)

4. Cyborg (1989)

3. Mad Max (1979)

2. Tank Girl (1995)

1. A Boy and His Dog (1975)

Mindwarp Trailer

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