Forgotten Flix Presents… An Interview with Dick Miller!

October 12, 2010

Legendary actor Dick Miller

Well, I know I said I wouldn’t be posting again until Friday. Okay. So, I lied. But the reason for breaking my vow to only post Mondays and Fridays until the official launch of Forgotten Flix is valid. You see, I have obtained a recently recorded interview with the one and only Dick Miller!

This interview is courtesy of my friends Terry Bossons and Timothy Haydock who do a fantastic radio show out of the UK called Sunday Roasting. You can find it over at 6 Towns radio. Their show airs on Sundays 2 – 4 PM (GMT). That means all us Yanks are listening from 9 – 11 AM (EST). The show re-airs on Thursdays from 7 – 9 PM (GMT), or 2 – 4 PM on the eastern coast of the old U.S. So, please check them out. If this interview with the cinematic legend Dick Miller doesn’t convince you of their awesomeness, well… (*insert sound of blowing raspberries here).

And if you don’t know who Dick Miller is (*I said, shaking my head as a single tear ran down my cheek*), please click his name and check out the man’s credits in IMDB. With a career that spans from 1955 in Apache Woman to today where he can be seen in Joe Dante’s latest The Hole, Dick Miller is a genre stalwart deserving of our respect and admiration.

His is a career that should always be remembered!

Here’s the interview:

Dick Miller as Mr. Futterman in Gremlins (1984)

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