
Do You Remember…? 2019: After the Fall of New York (1983)

June 16, 2011

2019: After the Fall of New Yorkby Joel G. Robertson

Take a stroll with us through the Armchair Theater Video store. You know the one. It’s where you went with mom or dad or whoever lugged you to the strip mall on a Saturday afternoon.

Join us as we help you remember the movies you always wanted to see, but never did. Or maybe you did and forgot all about them.

Regardless, that video store is now memory lane, so travel back with us as we pluck a title from the shelf and ask, do you remember…?

2019: After the Fall of New York


After nuclear apocalypse, what’s left of mankind has broken into two factions, the Euraks (who are responsible for the thermonuclear holocaust) and the Rebel Federation. The Federation hires a mercenary named Parsifal (Sopkiw) to infiltrate the Eurak’s stronghold (formerly New York City) and rescue the only fertile woman left on the planet.

In the tradition of other “great” italian post-apocalyptic knock-offs movies, 2019 gives you a eye-patch wearing anti-hero, who must get through the lawless terrain of the former Big Apple. Makes you almost wonder where the filmmakers came up with such a unique and brilliant idea.

Film Stats:

Release Date: 1983

Director: Sergio Martino

Screenplay: Ernesto Gastaldi, Sergio Martino, and Gabriel Rossini

Starring: Michael Sopkiw, Anna Kanakis, and George Eastman

Genre: Sci-fi/ Action

Running Time: 91 minutes

MPAA Rating: R

Where you can find it: Currently available on VHS from Amazon and eBay!


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