
Ep. 018 – The Forgotten Flix Podcast: Critters (1986)

June 1, 2011

Mall Twin Ad - Critters (!986)In this episode of The Forgotten Flix Podcast, Joel and Jason get knee-deep in the guana of those little lovable alien porcupines– Critters! You remember them don’t ya? You know the ones that were ripping off inspired by the financial success artistry of Joe Dante’s classic Gremlins (1984)? And with our 6 Flix Picks we discover that nasty little beasty movies not only suffered from unoriginality, but sequelitis as well!

So, check it out and let them know what you think! You can send your feedback to feedback (at) forgottenflix dot com or leave a voice mail message at the number located beneath the VHS tapes.

Tune in next time when we’ll be investigating… murder(!) when we re-watch ’80s-comedy classic Clue!

Special Mentions from this episode:

Check out Tony Wright’s (@scifishocks on Twitter) book The War of the Worlds: Aftermath and his short story in the horror anthology Holiday of the Dead. Both available on Amazon and for the Kindle!

And from friend of the show Hammond, a pic of his Army of Darkness prop skull. This IS NOT a reproduction folks! It’s the real thing from the ’92 film starring Bruce Campbell and Embeth Davidtz!

Skull prop from Army of Darkness (1992).

Skull prop from Army of Darkness (1992).



Voice Feedback Number

Our 6 Flix Picks: Movies with Nasty Little Beasties (that aren’t Gremlins!)

6. Ghoulies (1985)

5. Ghoulies 2 (1988)

4. Troll (1986)

3. Critters 2 (1988)

2. Hobgoblin (1987?)

1. Munchies (1987)


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