Insanely Difficult, Damn-Near-Impossible, Totally Awesome Movie Trivia Challenge!

November 9, 2010

by Joel G. Robertson

UPDATE: Honest and open. It’s how I try to live my life and it’s what I want to be with you. So, in the spirit of letting it all hang out, let me tell you straight up that before last Friday (Nov. 5) I had no idea I’d be posting Dale Lloyd’s fantastic movie quizzes.

But once Dale offered them up, I wanted to get them to you post haste. And while I knew that the quiz winners would get bragging rights, I still wanted to take it to another level. It also occurred to me that if people put in all the hard work to figure these quizzes out, it wasn’t fair to only acknowledge one person.

Then, my lovely wife Heather had a great idea. If you submit all the correct answers first, you are the undisputed, heavyweight, (Beast)master of the Insanely Difficult, Damn-Near-Impossible Movie Trivia Challenge. And in my Friday post, I’ll acknowledge you as such. But the game playing goodness won’t stop there!

ANYONE who submits ALL the correct answers via email ( before 8 PM (EST) on Thursday will also get mentioned in the Friday post. So, every week we’ll have one Trivia (Beast)Master (a title you can use to shame your friends and influence no one) as well as all the Trivia Warriors who submitted all the correct answers before the deadline.

Clear as mud? Well, here’s the best part: At the end of every month, if you earned the title of Trivia (Beast)Master or Trivia Warrior, your name will be entered into a drawing for a movie-related prize. What prize you ask? Well, nothing too fancy. After all, the budget’s tight around here at the Mall Twin ever since those new-fangled multiplexes came to town. They’ll include things like posters, movie pins, DVDs of movies new and old, even retro VHS or some other obscure movie-related memorabilia.

In other words, prizes will vary, but hell, it’s a free prize and you could always hoc it on eBay. But even more important than winning mass-produced crap something amazing will be the warm fuzzy you’ll get from knowing you wasted hours, nay, days of your life trying to figure these quizzes out.

Also, you are more than welcome to post your guesses in the comments section or to help each other out, but only the participants who submit ALL the correct answers to me by email before the deadline will get entered into the drawing.

So, keep at it… time is running out!


Every Tuesday here on Forgotten Flix, I’ll be posting a movie trivia challenge word courtesy of Dale Lloyd. Dale, you see, is a VHS aficionado and connoisseur of great video box art. When he contacted me to let me know about his quizzes, I jumped at the chance to feature them on this site. You should definitely follow him on Twitter (@VivaVHS) and check out his blog!

And this ain’t your momma’s movie trivia game folks! No, this sucker is for the hardcore fans. For those of us who shuffled, Walking Dead-style, through our local Armchair Theater or Lackluster Video stores, starring down at those clamshell boxes, our wide eyes taking in lurid, sensational, and dare I say it, even wholesome video art!

So, here’s how the game works:

  1. I’ll post a new movie trivia challenge word every Tuesday.
  2. The word is spelled out using letters from several different movies’ VHS box art
  3. You study the word and see if you can identify each movie based on only one letter.
  4. Once you think you know, you can post your answers in the comments section or email them to me.
  5. I’ll announce the answers in Friday’s post as well as the name of the person who got them all correct first.

You can get the answers any way you see fit. If you want to cheat look them up and take the easy way out not strain your brain, you could do that. Or, you could man-up and take these bad boys on the way the good Lord Vader intended, by staring at those retro fonts and stylized designs until your eyes bleed!

And then, after the sizzling between your ears subsides, you can look down at your answers with pride, finding no solace whatsoever in the knowledge that most of them will be wrong. J

So, without any further fiddle-farting around, here is this week’s word (followed by a hint): 

Hint: All the movies contained within this word have one thing in common; they’re all from the same year. And that year just happens to be the one I’ll be talking about in this Friday’s “6 Forgotten Flix You Must See Before You Die”. Good luck!

If you still aren’t quite sure how this game’s played (because my directions suck), or you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email me at Oh, and don’t come around begging for hints, ‘cause you’re not getting any!

So, until next time, remember, a flick is only forgotten if you’re not talking about it!


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