Movie Trivia Challenge for the Week of 12/07

December 7, 2010

Quentin Tarantino knows his movie trivia... do you?

Previously on…

… the Insanely Difficult, Damn-Near-Impossible Movie Trivia Challenge:

We had our first-ever Movie Trivia Challenge prize-drawing winner @KyloDarf (see what awesome prizes she won here). Congratulations again!

I’ve also decided, with the help of movie trivia master Dale Lloyd (follow him on Twitter @VivaVHS), to change things up a bit.

A New Way To Play the Same Insanely-Difficult Game

You only have to get one letter correct to win. Yep. You heard me right! Just get one movie title correct, be the first to email it to, and you are the top winner of that letter for the week.  And your name will, of course, be entered into the next prize drawing.

Additionally, if you’re the first to get the answer to me for a letter, you’ll receive an honorable mention in Friday’s post and, once it launches (the first episode will be available on 12/15), you’ll also get a mention in an upcoming episode of the podcast. There will be one TOP WINNER per letter.

To increase your chances of winning, you can email in your answers for every letter in the movie trivia word. And for every movie title you get correct, your name will be entered into the prize drawing. But what if you’re not the first one to submit the answer for a letter? Well, all your hard work won’t be for naught… for every correct answer you submit, I’ll enter your name into the next prize drawing too!

Of course, only those who submit their answers first (before the deadline of Thursday 12/09 8 PM EST) will get the public kudos and the ego-boosting knowledge that they are, indeed, a member of team Awesome, possessing an almost supernatural capacity to identify VHS box art!

One Final Note

The prize drawings will now occur once every quarter rather than once a month. This ensures the prizes are of a higher quality and that more people will have the opportunity to enter and win!

So, there you have the new game “rules”. If you have any questions, are confused about the new game play, or generally want to vent your frustrations as you scour the Inter-Webs, please leave a comment or email me at Remember ALL answers are due by Thursday, December 09, 2010 at 8 PM (EST).

Here is this week’s trivia word and good luck!

Movie Trivia Word: ANNIE

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