2020 Spooky Flix Fest (Bonus!) – Dr. Shock and The Gillman: The Undying Monster (1942)
- October 5, 2020
- Tagged as: 2020 Spooky Flix Fest, 90's movies, Dave Becker, Dr. Shock, drama, geek, HMP, horror, Horror Movie Podcast, movie, movie discussion, movie podcast, movie talk, podcast, retro, Retro Movie Geek, Spooky Flix Fest, Spooky Flix Fest 2020, Talking about the movies YOU grew up with, the undying monster, werewolf, werewolves
In this BONUS episode of Spooky Flix Fest, Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker and Gillman Joel briefly discuss what’s been going on with the Horror Movie Podcast Episode 200 delay and then Doc reviews an underseen...