That’s right folks! Thursday night I’ll be sitting back with the Missus and checking out a motion picture I haven’t seen since I was a wee lad, Three O’Clock High starring Casey Siemaszko! Mr. Siemaszko...
“I got it covered.” — Bobby QUICK SYNOPSIS: With these final words, Bobby Fantana (Lewis Smith) gets into his rusted-out coupe and races his high school nemesis, Joe. But when his bracelet (a greaser wearing...
by Joel G. Robertson 29 days and counting until the official launch of the Forgotten Flix blog, a place where I will be waxing poetic (okay, maybe not “poetic,” but I will occasionally use iambic...
So, what, pray tell (my obnoxiously foo-foo way of saying explain) is a forgotten flick?
Well, that's easy enough. A forgotten flick is simply any movie you remember but no one else does. I find that the older I get the more often this is happening. Most often it's when I'm talking to some young whippersnapper and goes something like this:
by Joel G. Robertson That’s right! You’ve either landed here by design or mistake. No matter, if you’re seeing this post you’re too freakin’ early! We’re just cranking this bad boy up, but don’t you...