RMG 121: Flashpoint (1984)

May 16, 2018

In this episode, the Retro Movie Geek crew is joined by Hammond Chamberlain (find more from Hammond here), and they’re geeking out over Flashpoint (1984) and

  • conspiracies
  • too many plots
  • the Kristofferson love choke
  • and much, much more!


Two Texas border guards, Bobby and Ernie, discover a jeep that has apparently been buried for 20 years in the desert… inside is a skeleton, a scoped rifle, and a box with $800,000 in cash. They decide to keep the money, but quietly check up on the cryptic info they’ve found on the dead driver.

Soon, FBI agents are running all over the place, and it looks like the jeep may be linked to the JFK assassination. The FBI is trying to cover it up, and also eliminate anyone who knows about the jeep, and its whereabouts… So, for Bobby and Ernie… the clock is now ticking!



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Check out Darrell’s other cool podcasts here.

Check out Peter’s Retro Reviews over at ForgottenFlix.com here.

Check out The Forgotten Flix Podcast here.

Special thanks to Kevin Spencer for the fantastic show logo!

Special thanks to Hayden for the use of his fantastic music for our opening theme this episode! You can check out more from this amazing artist here!

Special thanks to Retro Promenade for the use of music from the album Carpenter. Music use permitted under a Creative Commons license. CLICK HERE and get a copy of the album and support these fantastic artists!

Retro Movie Geek © 2015