Terror On The Tube Ep. 033 – Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark (1973)

December 28, 2022

On Terror On The Tube, Joel, Peter, and Allyson pick, at random, a made-for-TV horror/suspense movie that aired sometime during the decades of the 1970s, 80s, or 90s.

In this episode we talk about Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark from 1973.

Originally released on ABC on Wednesday, October 10th, 1973, Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark stars Kim Darby, Jim Hutton, Barbara Anderson, William Demarest, and Lesley Woods.



A young couple inherits an old mansion inhabited by small demon-like creatures who are determined to make the wife one of their own.



Please Support Friend of the Show Richard:

Here’s Richard’s GoFundMe.

And his eBay with various collectibles for sale.



Special thanks to Ross Bugden for the use of his music for the theme of this podcast under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You can find the track titled Something Wicked here.

Retro Movie Geek © 2015