In this episode, the Retro Movie Geek crew is joined by Gamma, and are geeking out over Blackout (1985) and 80’s made-for-tv thrillers red herrings warm fuzzies for mayhem and much, much more!

In this episode, the Retro Movie Geek crew are geeking out over Death Wish (1974) and vigilantes Bronson’s ‘stache the 2018 remake and much, much more!

In this episode, the Retro Movie Geek crew is joined by Karl Huddleston (you can hear more from Karl here), and we’re geeking out over Heat (1995) and Michael Mann the ridiculousness of the Oscars Sense and…

In this (our 100th) episode, the Retro Movie Geek crew are geeking out over Die Hard 2 (1990) and celebrating Xmas McClane style naked Tai-Chi figuring out how the same thing happens to the same guy… twice! and much,…

In this episode, the Retro Movie Geek crew, are geeking out over Pin (1988) and underappreciated (and forgotten) horror films plastic nightmares the awesomeness that is Terry O’Quinn and much, much more!

In this episode, the Retro Movie Geek crew, are geeking out over Dolly Dearest (1991) and devil kids bad fathers even worse entrepreneurs and much, much more!

In this episode, the Retro Movie Geek crew is geeking out over Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983) and early-80s Disney movies Diznass creepy carnival owners and much, much more!

In this episode, the Retro Movie Geek crew is geeking out over Neon Maniacs (1986) and faux San Francisco 40-year-old teenagers maniac trading cards (collect ’em all!) and much, much more!

In this episode, the Retro Movie Geek crew are joined by the author Nathan Tolle (click here for more from Nathan) and we’re geeking out over Rollercoaster (1977) and civil servants amusement parks winning cigarettes and much, much…

In this episode, the Retro Movie Geek crew is joined by Hammond Chamberlain (check him out here) and we’re geeking out over Con Air (1997) and Queens Chainsaw Massacre mullets and bad southern accents cinematic glory and…